Events in Rothenburg official website of Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Bus on the Romantic- road timetable
Train schedule and reservation
Romantic Road from Würzburg via Rothenburg to Füssen
Castle Road from Schwetzingen via Rothenburg, Nürnberg to Praha
Hiking on the Roamantic Road hiking in Europe
Website of the Rothenburger Milling sosiety New since February 2008 but only in German
Shop for organic goods in Rothenburg
hot air ballooning “Happy ballooning” daily
German History- find and preserv Logo Deutschland- network for historical sights
Munich- Hotel Monaco accommodation with reasonable prices in the center of Munich. Recommended by Rick Steves
Noerdlingen- Guesthouse “Goldener Stern” A medieval town on the Romantic Road distanced 90km from Rothenburg
Appartement in a historic mill in Rothenburg
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